
Do I have to be weighed?

As part of assessment we routinely weigh people. This is particularly necessary for those who are underweight as this is an essential part of risk management. We are aware that people may be anxious about this and we would discuss with them to try and reach an agreement as to how best to manage and assess their health risk. For example, you could be weighed so you did not see the number on the scale.

Who will conduct my assessment?

Comprehensive assessments are conducted by senior clinicians, including consultant psychiatrists and senior therapists from the eating disorder service.

What is the pre-assessment questionnaire pack for?

The service is very aware of the importance of constantly evaluating the service and the treatments they offer. In order to do this, people are invited to complete a series of questionnaires before their treatment begins. These questionnaires measure the severity of the eating disorder as well as other psychological problems such as depression which might be present alongside the eating disorder. The questionnaires help us to get a picture of the kind of problems that people have and are an important part of the assessment. We also ask people to complete similar questionnaires after their treatment to help us to measure the effectiveness of the treatments we offer.

How long will my assessment take?

The assessment will usually take 1½ hours. In some cases, it maybe that two or three assessment appointments will be required to complete the assessment.

Can I bring someone with me to my assessment?

If you would like a loved one or friend to join you in your assessment please advise the service prior to your appointment so we are able to facilitate an appropriate room for your assessment.